We founded BrainSkills@Work because we believe neuroscience based skills and tools can help change the world and make it more inclusive, optimistic, kind and caring. Over the last 14 years, we have done a deep dive into the neruoscience research (ok, we are perhaps science geeks at heart), and as trainers we have created a suite of brain-based models, skills and tools that work to unlock your highest state and potential. We are the first consultancy to directly apply neuroscience to inclusion and cultural agility, and continue to be thought leaders. In 2012, we both achieved Advanced Certification as NeuroBusiness Coaches at Harvard with Dr. Srini Pillay. We co-authored the book “Neuroscience of Inclusion: New Skills for New Times,” and created the BrainStates Awareness Profile which now has a cadre of certified consultants and coaches utilizing the tool all around the globe to help their clients and organizations.

Shannon Murphy

CEO & Co-Founder

Mary Casey
