Building Resiliency 

Increasing Resilience 

Learn brain-based tools to increase resilience amidst change and uncertainty, including how to sustain optimism, creativity, and behaviors that support the brain’s ability to stay focused and achieve positive outcomes.

Resilience Skills for Change Agents

Being a change agent can be both exciting and taxing. Learn how to engage skills and tools to increase your resilience, decrease change-agent fatigue, and enhance self-care while driving change.

Leadership Development

Unlocking Peak Performance: BrainStates Management™

Our BrainStates Management™ System, based on the neuroscience of perception, self-awareness, and conscious choice, provides a practical framework, tools, and skills for increasing performance effectiveness and the ability to operate at one’s highest and best – even under pressure and stress.

The Inclusive Leader Series 

Learn how to become diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging role models, walk the talk, and foster a high performing inclusive work environment.

Leadership Alignment

As a senior leadership team, it is important to align around your organization’s vision to be inclusive and anti-racist and understand the critical role you play it it’s success.

Creating Brain-Friendly Work Environments

Learn how to apply leadership strategies to create a brain-friendly, psychologically safe work environment that promotes high levels of performance, productivity, and transformational thinking.

Becoming a Buoyant Global Leader

Learn how to ride the seas of change and complexity when leading globally and how to become a more nimble leader across cultures.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Cultural Agility

Neuroscience of Inclusion: Good Intentions Are Not Enough

When it comes to working across differences the brain can work both for us and against us. Learn the mechanisms that block inclusion, and how we can override and maximize the ways the brain can help us work more effectively across differences.

Understanding the Brain, Bias and Behavior

Gain insight into the interplay of the brain, biases (both conscious and unconscious), and the impact on behavior. Understand  the dynamics that play into unconscious bias, and learn strategies to notice and manage them effectively in order to demonstrate inclusive behaviors.

A.C.T. Inclusively™ – Override and Repattern Bias in the Brain

Good news – bias is malleable in the brain, and with work biases can be repatterned. We can train the brain to A.C.T. Inclusively and engage more readily across a myriad of differences, even if they cause initial discomfort.

Cultural Agility

Cultural agility is an essential skill in working across a myriad of differences. It beings with creating an understanding of one’s own cultural set points and cultural dimensions, and increasing metacognition and the ability to flex in order to work across cultures more effectively.

Becoming an Anti-Racist

Self-awareness and self-reflection are critical in being anti-racist, yet not always readily available from a brain perspective. Learn how to increase self-awareness and lean into and challenge conditioned narratives around race.

S.A.V.E. Communication from the Defensive Brain

Learn how to quiet the fear circuitry during difficult conversations to shift away from defensive brain reactions and focus on engaging the neuroscience of appreciation to increase care, trust, collaboration, motivation, and engagement.

Leverage the Brain and Body to Increase Inclusion & Racial Equity

How to leverage the brain- body connection to increase awareness of the unconscious brain’s response to differences that impact the nonverbal messages you send, and how open or closed you come across to others in your interactions. The brain and the body can be powerful allies in developing the skills needed to create the kind of connection needed to advance inclusion and equity.

Understanding and Leveraging Neurodiversity

Did you know that 15%-20% of the population is estimated to be neurodivergent? An often-overlooked dimension of diversity is cognitive and the infinite range of invisible differences in how the brain functions.  Learn what cognitive diversity is, what it is not, and how you can leverage inclusive thinking in your team to help drive creativity and innovation.  

Every Interaction Counts: Creating Equitable “We Space”

Learn practical brain-based tools and skills to co-create equitable, shared power in every interaction, what we call co-creating “We Space” – which is any time two or more people are interacting with each other. “We Space” creates the opportunity to develop and maintain strong working relationships that are based on mutual trust and respect, successfully balance commonalities and differences and a deep understanding of the complexities of identities.

Being an Effective Ally and Engaged By Stander

How to understand and lean into multiple levels of truth in order to have agency to voice needs, and to be effective allies and advocates. Historical and systemic racism can impact how people show up, particularly when there are microaggressions and current events that can cause retraumatization for BIPOC communities. Learn how to step in effectively to address inequities and disrupt exclusionary behavior.

Hiring Manager Intensive

A multi-part series specifically for anyone involved in the hiring process on how to notice and manage biases, and ensure more equity in all steps of the hiring process. This process involves targeted skill building in 3 levels of change – intrapersonal, interpersonal and organizational. 

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Learning Communities

To support ongoing development work with the IDI, the learning community is a multi-session series focused on development. Topics in the 101 and 201 series include: your identities, your learning goals, community learning goals,  self-awareness and the IDP, becoming culturally agile, navigating difficult conversations, power and privilege, unpacking minimization, institutional and structural racism.


Develop a cadre of internal facilitators to deliver specific learning content, and/or to facilitate internal diversity, equity and inclusion discussions. DEI facilitation is unique in many ways and the train-the-trainer will set up your internal facilitators for success.